Cartoons, comics, Jokes / Funny Stuff, South Park, The Simpsons, Thoughts

Simpsons Comic Strips


Have any of you ever seen one of these in your Sunday newspaper? This page gives a brief history of the Simpsons Comics Strips. Lisa Simpson is my favorite character. She has an IQ of 156/159 and the best thing about her is that she plays the Saxaphone! Plus, she is cool enough to date guys 😉

I also like Futurama, which was also created by Matt Groening- the same guy who made The Simpsons. Somehow, I’ve never been able to appreciate South Park very much. It’s too brash and in-the-face for my taste.

Which one is your favorite?


28 thoughts on “Simpsons Comic Strips

  1. prestidigitator says:

    Futurama rocks!

    I’ve watched all the seasons thus far…the humor is simply incredible. Fry will forever go down as one of my favorite pop culture products…ever. Some of the references the show throws at you…man…this show was necessary viewing. But like all good shows, this got canceled too!

  2. Swen says:

    I’d say Homer. You got to admire his stupidity. D’oh !!

    Where did you get Futurama from ? i have only seen very few episodes of that ..

  3. @Presti, Hehe..Yeah, Fry is so very cool. I like Bender a lot too. It’s sad that Futurama didn’t run for very long. Did you watch the Simpsons episode where Bender makes a special appearance? Hehe..that was so funny! 🙂

    @Swen, Haha..sure. He made that word famous. I feel like killing Homer, to tell you the truth. He’s too much for me.

    @Ankur, Yeah, you should check it out, in case you haven’t 🙂

  4. prestidigitator says:

    @Ruhi I have a poster of Bender in my room that reads, ”Bite my shiny metal ass”. 🙂

    Haven’t watched that Simpsons episode yet. Will hunt it down.

  5. @Sreejith:

    Cartman is such a prat! I like his physique 😉

    @Raphy, Somehow, I have never been able to like Homer. He’s funny and all, but totally brainless and I would die rather than be stuck with such a husband. I feel so sorry for Marge and Lisa.

    @presti, oh really? Wow. That’s so cool. I’ll try to find the episode number and let you know.

    @bap- Never watch Family Guy…probably I should.

  6. prestidigitator says:

    I love Family Guy too. I’m a huge Brian fan as well.

    suddenly my life feels merely like a product of so many pop culture influences. Not a good feeling. 😐

  7. Swen says:

    So, Homer is too much for you but Santa and Banta are not ? 😛

    So nobody like Bart? Aye , karamba ?

    I havent seen too much of family guy , but i like what i have seen so far

  8. bApHoMEt says:

    @Ruhi: You should watch Family Guy. There are so many instances when they make fun of The Simpsons. The thing is, there is a slight rivalry between the two shows. And it’s hilarious.

    @Pres: I love Stevie man. That baby will destroy the earth one day. And that episode will go down in history as the biggest pay-off in all my TV watching years.

    @Swen: Remember the Bart Rap?

  9. @presti-

    suddenly my life feels merely like a product of so many pop culture influences.

    Pretty much sums up my feeling these days.

    @Swen- What did Santa and Banta do? They try their best to entertain us… 😛 They don’t annoy poor Marge either. Bart is a devil in disguise.

    @bap- Sure, will try to get hold of it. I run several seasons behind because I don’t watch TV. Heh. I start watching something when the entire world is done watching it. 😛

  10. Swen says:

    The one thing that is more annoying than homer is Marges voice. Oh come on, bart a devil? Didn’t you see the movie? He is just a poor little kid trying to find a daddy to love him 😛

    Bart Rap? rings no bell ..

  11. @Swen, I still remember the first time I heard Marge’s voice…truly fascinating moment. BUT her voice is still tolerable.

    Bart- I actually felt sorry for him in the movie. I liked the way Flanders made that chocolate milk with wafers, cream etc. and left it on the window sill 😛 He’s too good to be true.

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