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Tech Cartoons

Just for fun!

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33 thoughts on “Tech Cartoons

  1. sk says:

    Holy crap! Is this an episode of “Geeks gone wild”?

    This post does raise an important issue (unwittingly). For something that aims to make life easier, technology is extremely polarizing. And all these so called tech blogs on the internet don’t help things. Somehow, the role of tech blogs is not to help the average reader, but to bitch about a certain company/technology to fellow-geeks. I really don’t want to be a part of any cult or advocacy group and have avoided commenting on most inflammatory articles and blogs in recent times. I don’t even waste as much time reading such crap anymore.

  2. bApHoMEt says:

    why are linux dudes always portrayed as geeks? i kinda think they’re cool. the windows dudes come across as ‘stuck up’s. and the apple dudes are cultists. talk about stereotyping.

  3. @sk:

    //Somehow, the role of tech blogs is not to help the average reader, but to bitch about a certain company/technology to fellow-geeks.

    Well not always. There are lots of amazing blogs that have taught me very important tools. It depends upon the kind of tech blog that you follow. I feel that there are 2 types of tech blogs- 1. A star blogger who bitches about every product in the market
    2. Genuine techies who invent/discover new stuff and share it with their readers.

    You seem to be reading blogs of type #1.

    //talk about stereotyping.

    Yeah, sad…but true. That’s how it works.

  4. sk says:

    “Well not always. There are lots of amazing blogs that have taught me very important tools.”

    Not too many of them. And many aren’t aimed at the average user. I do read a few blogs that help me learn about technology without constantly taking potshots at competitors. But a majority of the blogs/comments on the internet aren’t of that type, sadly. You probably have a higher tolerance for Windows bashing than I do.

    “You seem to be reading blogs of type #1.”
    Yup. I knew I wasn’t the target audience for this blog (at least not in its second iteration) and was wrestling with the idea of unsubscribing.

  5. Most Linux users don’t have relationships
    I DEMAND MY MONEY BACK!!! 😛 On another note I should dissuade ish from installing ubuntu for which I had tried hard to persuade him. 😛

    sk: The problem is that when writing how tos and stuff you specifically HAVE to target some sort of audience or it falls on deaf ears. If its too generalised, the geeks think its crap, if its too geeky everyone else thinks its crap. Leave the helping out, its this dilemma that haunts. Most of the times, if you don’t understand something you can post a comment and will get a reply. Thats what comments are for. 🙂

    Forgive me for playing devils advocate but you can’t do anything about the bashing. Blogs are to express oneself and thats what they do. The only option is to steer away. [Ruhi is a MSFT hater btw. 😛 Yo Ruhi, does this make us enemies? 😈 ] One of the largest problems of the internet is that there is TOO MUCH available. You have to sift through the mediocre to get the good.

    I killed the jokes didn’t I? 😛

  6. @Poonam Sharma:

    Yeah! I loved those too. They are from this website called They put up one cartoon everyday. Check it out! 🙂

    @dinsan, thank you 🙂 Keep visiting. I think I’ve seen your blog earlier too. Definitely seen you commenting on many of my friends’ blogs.

    @Amyth, 🙂

  7. @sk:

    //And many aren’t aimed at the average user.

    Of course they are. There are various levels of technicalities. You gotta read what you are comfortable reading.

    //I do read a few blogs that help me learn about technology without constantly taking potshots at competitors.

    There is no rule that says that you can’t take potshots at competitors. Besides, it’s a BLOG. It’s a medium for you to express your opinion.

    //You probably have a higher tolerance for Windows bashing than I do.

    Of course. I’m not on their Payroll. 😀

    //Yup. I knew I wasn’t the target audience for this blog (at least not in its second iteration) and was wrestling with the idea of unsubscribing.

    As you wish… Your comment’s quite funny. I have taken potshots at evryone here- MSFT, APPL, and Linux. I’m not playing favorites in this post. But when you complain about taking ‘potshots’, please let other readers know that you are a Microsoft lover!! That way, they’ll know what’s annoying you so much. And thank you for your comment.


    What was that “I demand my money back??!”. Eh? 😛 DeepXXX is not going around with Ish anyway…so he can install it 😉

    //Forgive me for playing devils advocate but you can’t do anything about the bashing. Blogs are to express oneself and thats what they do.

    Thank you for supporting me 🙂

    //Ruhi is a MSFT hater btw. 😛 Yo Ruhi, does this make us enemies? 😈

    actually, sk is a very old blog visitor, but he LURVES MSFT, like I mentioned. So, he posts such comments on my blog…nothing new. 🙂

    You sure killed the jokes 😈

  8. sk says:

    “But when you complain about taking ‘potshots’, please let other readers know that you are a Microsoft lover!! That way, they’ll know what’s annoying you so much.”

    And that’s why I stopped blogging. I took it too far. If I really wanted to hide it, I wouldn’t have posted a link to my (now defunct) blog.

    “And thank you for your comment.”
    You’re welcome!

    “he LURVES MSFT”
    Yup. I do. However, my comments had less to do with that and more to do with the tech wars. You’ll probably see what I’m saying in a few years.

    “So, he posts such comments on my blog…nothing new.”
    Yup again.

    Edit: Deleted the last two sentences. No accusatory comments or comments made to make someone else “feel guilty” allowed, for any reason.

  9. What was that “I demand my money back??!
    For posting jokes that say Linux users don’t have relationships. I mean loving your PC is called a relationship right? RIGHT? 😛

    actually, sk is a very old blog visitor, but he LURVES MSFT, like I mentioned. So, he posts such comments on my blog…nothing new.
    Ok darn. Another opportunity missed to make you an enemy. Isn’t there an easy way? 😛

    You sure killed the jokes
    I’m quite good at stuff like that. 😛

    Ruhi: //I mean loving your PC is called a relationship right? RIGHT? 😛

    Totally! Errr…I dare not disagree, else the emperor will kill me.

  10. why you crying? Didn’t I just do a nice thing?
    Tears of happiness. 😀

    Totally! Errr…I dare not disagree, else the emperor will kill me.
    Good. Like Poonam, you’re learning very fast. 😛

  11. maybe it is because of some bad karma….
    why don’t you donate a laptop to an unfortunate soul (say me) who is stuck back home in India.. and i promise i will pray for you everytime the machine boots up… and your bad karma will convert to good one.

  12. @Ankur,

    //why don’t you donate a laptop to an unfortunate soul (say me) who is stuck back home in India.. and i promise i will pray for you everytime the machine boots up… and your bad karma will convert to good one.

    How exactly are you coming online now? 😛 Liar liar, pants on fire!

    Will do that check and let you know about the error message. Thanks for the help. 🙂

  13. //How exactly are you coming online now? 😛 //

    how else… through my office computer located in India.

    //Liar liar, pants on fire!//
    nice ploy to get into my pants… unfortunately it won’t work

  14. Ankur,

    So you’re using your office bandwidth for such productive purposes, huh? How come WordPress hasn’t been blocked in your office too? At least three of my blog friends have written posts in the last week talking about their bosses and how WordPress has been blocked!

    //nice ploy to get into my pants… unfortunately it won’t work

    There is no need to put pants on fire for that. 😐 There are many other methods.

  15. //So you’re using your office bandwidth for such productive purposes//
    thats exactly what i have used in my one line description… btw if one works from breakfast to 3am … he deserves to get a break….

    //How come WordPress hasn’t been blocked //
    my company believes in connecting everything…. 🙂 so they cannot block a website…
    btw when GoI banned my blogger account last year I moved to wordpress…. and if my company blocks my wordpress account… who knows i might even switch companies 🙂

    //There are many other methods.//
    let me know when u r successful 😉

  16. //thats exactly what i have used in my one line description… btw if one works from breakfast to 3am … he deserves to get a break….

    Wow…is this how you purport to spend you life? In a cubicle for almost the entire day? this is one truth about the corporate world that I’ve still not been able to come to terms with…and probably never will. Maybe I’m not meant to sit in an office for so long 🙂

    //. and if my company blocks my wordpress account… who knows i might even switch companies 🙂

    Now that’s some smart thinking 😉 My dept. has no problem however…we even play video games in our office. Nobody gives a hoot as long as the work gets done. 😛

    //let me know when u r successful 😉

    Umm…maybe I already am successful 😛

  17. Mary says:

    I am looking for a cartoon I saw before that deals with requirements for a vehicle from the customer and the developer produces a bicycle. Have you seen that? I’d like to get ahold of it again.

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